We are here to help you...
Having questions or trouble finding what you need? Try FAQs. Any doubts about our store's policies? See the detailed section below. If you still haven't found the answer do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email or just by filling the contact form. We will be more than glad to sort everything out for you!!!
Payment Methods
After placing your order you can select between the following payment methods:
Pay Pal payment allows you to pay safely and in full the value of your order at e Boutique. Use your Pay Pal account to make purchases with speed, reliability, and security.
If you choose to pick up from our Resturand, Wolt and Foodys or courier deliverance you can pay either using cash or your credit/debit card.
Return & Exchange Policy
It's ok to make second thoughts. In that case, you may want to cancel, return or change your order. You will be able to cancel or change your order before the item has been dispatched. If you want to return the product you bought, you may do it within 10 minutes from the time to send your order.
See options below to return the product:
Hand it to us by visiting our store at TCS COFFEE BOUTIQUE in its original package and condition, presenting the purchase receipt.
Send it at your own expense with a courier company (preferably AKIS EXPRESS) at our address: 48 Thermopylon Street, PC 8010 Paphos in its original package and condition, attaching the purchase receipt.
Store Policy
TCS COFFEE BOUTIQUE operates as a physical store as well as an online store. You can find operation hours here. Online purchases can be done 24/7. Delivery is due within 3-5 working days and it can be subject to availability.
All products come with a manufacturer's warranty. Coffee machines are subject to one year warranty unless written otherwise on the description.
The main features of the products are described on the pages of the online store. The customer must check each relevant feature, before submitting his order, so as not to have any doubts about their features and properties.
Online payments are direct and secure. Find Payment Methods details here. None of your personal data stays on our site. We accept no refunds but we are more than happy to replace an item, according to "Return & Exchange Policy".
Do illy coffee machines accept other companies' capsules?illy coffee machines accept only original illy coffee capsules.
Do Mitaca coffee machines accept other companies' capsules?Mitaca coffee machines accept only the specific Mitaca coffee captules.
What happens when my Mitaca coffee machine contract expires?When your contract expires you continue to own the machine and you can buy capsules whenever you want.
What happens if I decide not to use any more my Mitaca coffee machine, before my contract expires?"If you decide not to use your Mitaca coffee machine any more, you can return it to us its original condition. In case the machine is no longer operating properly or has been damaged during usage, then there is an obligation of paying at the price of 170 euros.
After the expiration of my coffee machine's warranty, can I still contact you for any damage or purchasing accessories?"In all cases, even after years, we can send your machine to a technitian or to find parts and accessories (when still available) at your own expences.
Can I send my used capsules and tins for recycling?Since all coffee containers are made of 100% recyclable materials, you can bring your empty containers at or store and our company undertakes the responsibility to transfer them to a designated company. You can also leave them in a recycle bin at your area.
For how long does an unopened tin keep its freshness?An unopenend tin can be kept fresh for up to 2 years due to illy's patented pressurized system that extracts air from the can.
For how long does an opened tin keep its freshness?An openend tin can be kept fresh for up to 7 days, if kept in room temperature. After 7 days flavor will begin to deteriorate due to natural oxidation from air exposure.